How Can You Get Rid Of Dui Charges?

A little mistake can turn your life upside down. You might feel that you are not that drunk or you are okay to drive after you are drunk, but please take into consideration that it is a heinous crime. If you are charged with DUI, your life will take a very unpleasant turn. However, thanks to law and order, there are mesa dui lawyers who will help you to get out of such an unpleasant situation.

There are three legal defenses that will take you out of DUI charges:

  • You will have to prove that you were not really intoxicated and that it was the mistake of the officer who charged you.
  • You were perfectly paired while driving the car.
  • The officer who charged you was not following the law.

A good lawyer is key, and they have the skill to prove that though you were arrested for DUI, you were not at all drunk while taking the wheels. A lawyer who is habituated in dealing with DUI cases knows the tactics and strategies that they will apply while they are dealing with such cases and help you prove that you are innocent. Here are some legal ways a lawyer might use to get you out of the mud.

  1. Impaired driving does not always mean that the driver is under the influence.
  2. A few symptoms of your driving might show that you are intoxicated, but in reality, you might not be intoxicated.
  3. If you are tested with a Field Sobriety Test, it does not mean that you were drunk. The test is not always accurate.
  4. There might be a wrong result of mouth alcohol.
  5. There is a waiting minute of 15 minutes before the officer charges you. If they were not patient enough, you had a chance to get free from the charges.
  6. You have to establish that the BAC was in the raising phase.
  7. You might have ended up in the accident due to lack of concentration and not alcohol influence.
  8. Often the BAC is on the rising side if you have diabetes, hypoglycemia or a high protein diet.
  9. The officer was rude and did not listen to your side of the story.

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Wrapping up

If you face any of the above-mentioned situations a lawyer is enough to help you out of the charges. You might think that your life has ended and you will have to face consequences but with a good lawyer, you always stand a chance.

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